We want to be a force of proposal, focused above all on the operationality of our contributions. At the interface of several actors (cf. Who are we addressing?), our association aims to propose operational measures that answer the question of “how?” rather than “why? We start from documented findings, in line with the state of the art of scientific knowledge, and put forward pragmatic and ambitious proposals to initiate the transition to more sustainable development models.
The Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action for all countries – poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They respond to the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, peace and justice. The goals are interconnected and, to ensure that no one is left behind, it is important to achieve each of them, and each of their targets, by 2030. Click on a goal below to find out more.
The association
Soutenable is an association whose ambition is to bring the public debate in Africa. We are a Cameroonian association under the 1990 law of general interest, guided by the desire to create a shift in African societies to make them more sustainable in the sense of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the UN.
Our action is based on 3 pillars.
Our approach
Our proposals aim to feed the decision-making and consensus-building processes by informing decision-makers as well as French and English-speaking public opinion. They will be based on economic and scientific studies or syntheses, carried out with a pragmatic and concrete approach, and guided by the requirement of scientific rigour.
Aware of the urgency to act in the face of several issues, each more worrying than the last, we try to adopt the most holistic approaches possible so as not to neglect any aspect of the sustainable transition that we are calling for. For example, in the face of the global problem of climate change, it is essential, in addition to CO2 emissions, to take an interest in other no less important issues such as social justice and inequality, the erosion of biodiversity, the depletion of fresh water resources and the comfort of life.
Our positioning
Although we may have certain characteristics, we do not identify ourselves as a ‘classic’ environmental NGO or scientific body. However, we want to promote an approach in line with scientific findings.
Who do we talk to?
Our primary target is anyone interested in sustainable development issues in Africa. In detail, we target all actors in the public debate, with a focus on the bodies listed below in order of priority.
Academic and institutional actors: secondary and higher education institutions, research laboratories and other NGOs and think-tanks.
Economic decision-makers: company and federation managers, and more broadly opinion leaders.
The general public
The medias
The political world
The governance
Soutenable is an association under the law of 1990 of general interest. It is governed by a Board of Directors, which elects an Executive Committee responsible for the daily management of the association.
Board of Directors
The management is composed of founding members, representatives of member companies and adherent members. Elected for three years, it determines the association’s strategic directions and activity guidelines. In addition, it determines the main operating principles and ensures their implementation.