Before training to become a workshop facilitator, you first need to have attended a workshop yourself.
The Sustainable Development Collage
2 hours and 30 minutes to understand in a playful way the main challenges of sustainable development in your country
The principle
The Sustainable Development Collage is a 2.5 hour scientific, creative and collaborative workshop designed to raise awareness on sustainable development in a fun way. The game exists in several versions (countries and languages) in order to be as faithful as possible to country specificities: climate risks, societal challenges, political specificities, economic conditions, etc.
This low-tech tool relies on collective intelligence and a new teaching method (serious game) to facilitate the appropriation by the participants of the complex subject that is sustainable development and this, in its most transversal approach: inclunding environmental, social and governance aspects. The principle is very simple : using cards and arrows to be constructed, participants should identify the cause and effect links between environmental, societal, economic and political drivers.
The Workshop Process
Part 1 – Reflection and understanding
In teams of 4 to 8 people, participants discover the content of the cards and identify the causal links between the environmental, societal, economic and political drivers of sustainable development.
Part 2 – Creativity
The participants are invited to let their imagination run wild and illustrate the salient points of their understanding of the subject by means of drawings, texts or any other illustration. At the end of this part, a “fresco” has truly taken shape and the participants must find a title for their creation.
During this phase, participants are invited to give free rein to their imagination and illustrate the salient points of their understanding of the subject by means of drawings, texts or any other illustration. At the end of this part, a “fresco” has truly taken shape and the participants must find a title for their creation.
Part 3 – Restitution
This is the sequence dedicated to the presentation of the result. Participants comment on their work: its title, the key messages put forward, the illustrations, etc.
Part 4 – Debriefing and SDG
Cross-checks are made between the systemic issues highlighted by the Collage and the SDG approach adopted by the UN, whose relevance they realize.
Take part in a workshop
For the time being, we are organising workshops on demand. Do not hesitate to make a request via our form or by email to and we will get back to you very quickly.
Becoming an animator
1st step : take part in a workshop
2nd step : take part in a facilitators training session
3rd step : organise your own workshops (possibly in pairs at first)
4th step : fill in the workshop registration counter
Request a workshop in my organisation
For the time being, we are organising workshops on demand. Do not hesitate to make a request via our form or by email to and we will get back to you very shortly.
They use the Mural
Rights of use and licences
Nelson Noumbissi is the creator of the Sustainable Development Collage and this game is protected by copyright law. The author has transferred the exploitation rights to the association Soutenable in order to allow a better diffusion, and thus to raise awareness of a maximum of people. The workshop must be held within the framework of the rules provided by the association.
The license of use of the game (Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 ~ ) aims at allowing everyone to distribute it as widely as possible.
The use of the Sustainable Development Collage is free of charge, when it is provided by a volunteer facilitator for any free event. For commercial use, or internal use in a company, user fees apply to finance the association.
This licence makes this tool accessible to everyone, and also allows professionals to use it in a commercial framework to disseminate this knowledge in companies.
I live abroad. How can I participate in a workshop or training course?
We will be offering online sessions soon, I promise!
Is it possible to reduce the time of the workshop?
Unfortunately, no. Two and a half hours is already a very short time to seriously raise awareness of sustainable development!
Is it possible to customise the content of the workshop to suit the field of activity of my organisation or the host event ?
In general, no. Unfortunately, the Sustainable Development Collage is designed to be an indivisible whole in order to ensure that the objectives of the workshop are achieved. However, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your specific needs via
Are there versions of the cards in other languages and for other countries?
This is in progress! We are developing an English version for the “Cameroon” version and other versions for different countries (in the official languages) according to requests.
How to train to facilitate the workshop?
We offer facilitators training session within structures wishing to be autonomous in running the workshop : companies, associations, schools, etc. The training session lasts about 2h30 and includes access to the cards and the training guide. However, attend a workshop at least once as a participant is mandatory before the training to become a facilitator. If not, it is best to plan a whole day that includes the workshop and training. If you are interested in this option, do not hesitate to contact us directly via !
Is it possible to organise a workshop in my city?
Our facilitators can travel according to demand to organise workshops. If you don’t see any dates scheduled near you, contact us!
Is it possible to download/purchase the cards?
No, we are not yet distributing the material (cards and facilitation training guide) of the Sustainable Development Collage. However, this material is available during the facilitators training sessions and on demand :
Is it possible to use the Sustainable Development Collage at an event such as a festival or trade fair?
Absolutely. However, the format of the workshop will have to remain unchanged, in accordance with the general terms of use and licences.
Is there a junior version of the workshop for a younger audience?
The standard workshop is not recommended for children under 15, we are working on a junior version. Get in touch with us for more informations :